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The Eight of Pentacles has a lonely sitting man surrounded by 8 coins. He makes the engraving in the form...

The Two of Pentacles shows a deft man who juggles 2 coins with his both hands. The sign of infinity...

The main character of the Ten of Pentacles is a white-haired man in luxurious clothes sitting with two white dogs...

The Three of Pentacles shows a young stonemason standing against a wall with a hammer ready to hit a nail....

The Queen of Pentacles sits on a luxurious throne decorated with a variety of patterns including angels, fruits, goats, etc....

The Six of Pentacles shows a man in fiery red clothes who give a few gold coins to two beggars...

The Seven of Pentacles portrays a man leaning on a hoe. He is a real hard worker who looks at...

The Knight of Pentacles sits on his horse in full uniform with a coin in his hand. He looks into...

Nine of Pentacles shows a woman standing in front of the bushes. She is dressed in a luxurious golden robe...

The young guy is depicted on the front side of Page of Pentacles. He holds the gold coin with both...
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