Ten of Cups meaning in love and money tarot readings

The Ten of Cups shows a young family near their home on the hill. These are all symbols of comfort and stability. The grassy hills signify fertility and the river next to them is the flow of emotions. The husband hugs his wife with one hand, and they look at the house. The rainbow with ten cups in the sky is a sign of the end of difficulties and Divine miracle. These two are happy. They have two children playing nearby and a cozy home filled with love. The family wants to share this warmth with those around them.

Ten of cups — general meaning


The Ten of Cups is a family card that means happiness and harmony. The person wants to share his inner love, which also multiplies this feeling within him. He is in the circle of loved ones who support him. Mutual respect creates harmony and helps to reach the highest potential of all family members. No quarrels and pressures, only mutual understanding and love. The card often appears in the case of a family celebration or vacation, when everyone gets together. It strengthens relationships and creates bright moments to remember.

The appearance of the Ten of Cups is not only about harmony in relationships, but also about wholeness, completion in all areas of life. The man has achieved a lot and has what he dreamed about. Now is the time to relax, enjoy the moment, share it with the loved ones and be grateful. Remember the hard path that is behind and strive to increase what has already been achieved.

In the case of an important decision, the heart and intuition will indicate what to choose. The Ten of Cups means the importance of listening to the clues of the Universe and go with the flow of emotions. The inner voice may be contrary to the advice of others, but it is the best way to find out exactly what the person wants. Even if parents recommend one thing, but the soul asks for another, the card advises choosing what the soul wishes.


The appearance of the reversed Ten of Cups means that harmonious and steady relationships are only in the person’s dreams of, but the reality is disappointing. The family does not have enough warmth and comfort. Open conversations and joint holidays don’t help, but only worsen the situation. First, a person must understand that every family has its ups and downs. However, if the problem lasts for a long time, it may mean that family members no longer fit each other. In this case, there is a need to accept this fact and reduce communication.

Alternatively, the reversed Ten of Cups means that the person is not interested in the development of family relationships. He has more important goals outside the home related to career and personal growth. The one spends more and more time at work forgetting about the family. The balance is broken, and the person may find himself regretting the lost relationship. It’s important to keep all areas of life on an equal level of significance to be happy.

The Ten of Cups reversed may indicate an unwillingness to trust personal intuition. Instead of doing what a person likes, he asks the advice of others and does what they want. This leads to a loss of interest and motivation. Even friends and parents cannot know what makes one happy. There is a need to focus on personal desires only.

Ten of Cups mean for love


If the partners are already together for a long time, the Ten of Cup is a good sign. The card means a healthy relationship and that these two are true soulmates. Besides, it symbolizes more responsibility. If the lovers plan to marry or have a child, it is a great time to make the dreams come true. For a young couple, this is an omen for a promising relationship. Both partners feel comfortable as if they’ve found their home.

The Ten of Cups is a family map which means a lot of warm moments. For a couple, this can indicate not only a wedding and children but also meeting with each other’s parents. It also speaks about family holidays sometimes.

For singles, the Ten of Cups talks about being ready for a serious relationship. The person has already achieved a lot and wants to set a personal life. The card indicates that future love will bring stability, security, and warmth. If the one recently broke up with a partner, the Ten of Cups could mean reuniting or being friends.


For couples, the Ten of Cups reversed is a bad sign and often points to separation. One of the reasons is that one partner does not want to move to a new level and start a family. In this case, the relationship can be very painful for another partner. Supporting cards will help find out whether it is possible to save the relationship. If a couple has a chance of success, open dialogue is the first thing that lovers should do. They need to find common ground give each other space for self-expression in other areas. Respect is the key to harmony.

If the couple cannot conceive a child, the Ten of Cups reversed indicates issues with fertility. It is best to contact a specialist to check this and star treatment immediately if necessary. Alternatively, the card in an inverted position means a non-traditional relationship.

First, it is necessary to establish the level of significance of love in the one’s life to correct the situation. Sometimes people misunderstand the methods of energy exchange between lovers. As a result, a person cannot achieve happiness in this area regardless of the partner. There is a need to think about ways to express feelings to improve current or future relationships. Also, do not forget that love should bring joy. So don’t waste energy on something that doesn’t meet the desires.

For those who are singles, the Ten of Cups reversed talks about having the wrong beliefs about love and family. This prevents the person from finding happiness in his personal life. First, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment where the one grew in. It is important to think positive to find harmony in the next relationship.

Ten of Cups meaning for money


The Ten of Cups has a weak relation to career, but its appearance is a good sign. The card indicates rewards for hard work. The one does well in the workplace and has achieved a lot in his career. Often the Ten of Cups talks about the need or opportunity to spend more time with a family. Share the fruits of hard work with the loved ones. For finances, this Minor Arcana card also indicates that old investments begin to generate income. The man and his family don’t need money and enjoy stability.


In most cases, the Ten of Cups reversed is a sign of imbalance between work and family. The person spends a lot of time in the workplace and forgets about the desires of the loved ones. It causes stress, quarrels, and conflicts. The Ten of Cups often appears to those who have social work or deal with families. If the person cannot decide on a career, he should move in this direction. The card can also mean a lack of teamwork or bad relationships with colleagues. Speaking of financial matters, it shows a weak material position. The person doesn’t have stability and is afraid for the future of himself and his family. There is a need to start saving money for a rainy day.

The card advice

The card symbolizes the harmony in the family. This suggests the need to spend more time with loved ones. Conflicts must be resolved. The person must pause other areas of life to devote himself to home. The Ten of Cups is often an invitation to concentrate on personal happiness.

10 of cups — Yes or No

The Ten of Cups is a symbol of harmony and happiness. The card foreshadows the dreams come true. The person feels emotional satisfaction and stability. The answer to your question is yes.