Tarot cards meanings

The King of Swords sits on his throne and looks in front, which speaks of his readiness for everything that...

A knight in his full armor lying on the tomb is shown on the front side of the Four of...

At first glance it may seem that the Eight of Swords shows a bound young woman in a sword cage;...

The Ace of Swords card has a hand appearing from the cloud that symbolizes the divine gift. A hand holds...

The Two of Pentacles shows a deft man who juggles 2 coins with his both hands. The sign of infinity...

The main character of the Ten of Pentacles is a white-haired man in luxurious clothes sitting with two white dogs...

The Three of Pentacles shows a young stonemason standing against a wall with a hammer ready to hit a nail....

The Queen of Pentacles sits on a luxurious throne decorated with a variety of patterns including angels, fruits, goats, etc....

The Six of Pentacles shows a man in fiery red clothes who give a few gold coins to two beggars...

The Seven of Pentacles portrays a man leaning on a hoe. He is a real hard worker who looks at...
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