The King of Cups meaning: reversed and upright
The King of Cups is sitting on a throne on a granite block right in the middle of a stormy sea. He holds a cup, a symbol of emotions, in his right hand and a wand, a sign of his power, in his left hand. He doesn’t pay attention to the cup which means that he is not disturbed by internal anxieties. Unlike other Cups cards, the King has already mastered his control of feelings and emotions. He wears a blue tunic and a luxurious golden cape. Amulet in the fish-form on the neck of the King means creativity.
On his right side, a small fish jumps out of the water. The big ship is trying to cope with many waves in the background. However, despite the storm, the King remains calm. He pays attention to his inner world and emotions but does not allow anxieties to overcome him.
Universal card meaning in tarot
The King of Cups means “conquering” of emotions. You have mastered to accept your feelings and control them. This invaluable skill helps to make decisions even in the most difficult moments of life. The card symbolizes emotional stability, indestructibility, and balance. In the case of challenging situations, stay calm and show the maturity of the spirit. Mark emotional boundaries and do not go beyond them, especially when making important decisions. Do not let circumstances affect your beliefs and goals.
But do not consider the King of Cups insensible. He lives in harmony with himself and keeps a balance between prudence and feelings. While making decisions, he thinks with his head, but also listens to intuition tips and personal desires. Creativity always leads him to non-standard moves. As a leader, he cares about the interests and emotional state of others too. If you work in a team, make sure that all participants remain happy to increase their productivity.
The King of Cups is a wise father who can always give advice in work, relationships and other areas of life. He understands the essence of human nature and wants to help people around him to find the same balance of logic and feelings as he does. You should direct people towards peace and harmony. Alternatively, the King may appear as a mentor or guide for you.
The reversed King of Cups means immersion in the depths of the emotional world for the learning of self-control. Before mastering this quality, it’s important to understand how anxiety affects you. This question is critical because it interferes with living happily and in harmony. Check out self-help books or articles on the Internet to plunge into the subconscious world.
The appearance of the reversed King of Cups in Tarot reading means vulnerability to the actions of others. You are prone to inner sadness and drama. Anyone can press the right buttons and infuriate you in 1 minute. Depression, anxiety, and anger over small things destroy harmony. It’s important to find the root of the problem to get rid of the negative emotions. Examine the question of how it affects the quality of life. Self-control and balance is the key to success. Strangers will always be trying to ruffle you, but do not let their plans happen.
Sometimes, the card means that emotions are already at the limit. You don’t know where to put the internal pressure and are afraid to explode at any moment. Ask a special therapist for help and spend more time in a relaxed environment.
The reversed King of Cups as a person is an emotional manipulator. He uses insidious tricks to make others feel uncomfortable. Beware of such a person if he is in your circle.
King of Cups in love readings
If you are in a relationship, the King of Cups appears as a good partner, husband, father card. Expect a large number of romantic moments and positive emotions that you should share with your loved one. Arguments and quarrels do not arise or end very quickly. Anyway, the moments of reconciliation will be very warm and tender. Feel free to be affectionate with a partner and also take his or her care and attention.
Sometimes we have difficult times that negatively affect relationships. However, the King of Cups means that you will not only avoid this but also find emotional support at home. Do not keep problems inside and share feelings with the partner. You should also listen and comfort your loved one if he experiences troubles.
If you are single, the King of Cups means that the future partner has qualities of the card. This is a good person who can advise, calm and teach self-control. He is very romantic, gentle and faithful in love. Perhaps he is significantly older or has wisdom and maturity that helps him manage finances and make difficult decisions. You can expect the King to appear in your life very soon. Alternatively, it means that you have these features.
If you are in a relationship, the King of Cups reversed is a sign of problems and conflicts. The appearance of the card indicates that one of the partners has become emotionally unstable and irritable. However, both suffer because of harsh or treatment. Instead of warmth, he brings pain and hurtful statements in the relationship. If the problem is in you, separate from the relationship and negative energy for a while to learn self-control. To help the partner, give him some time to solve problems. Try to explain what he must do to find harmony calmly.
Alternatively, the King of Cups reversed means deception, betrayal, and perverse sexual behavior. In the worst case, the card warns of rape and violence. If you feel pressure and cannot escape from aggressive treatment, contact the professional support. Find a safe environment to bounce back.
If you are single, the King of Cups reversed is also not a good sign. A card often means a love affair with a married man. Alternatively, it warns about the wrong potential partner, who will be cold and abusive. Also, be careful and think about safety first. The King of Cups in the reversed position foreshadows violence, cruelty or sexual assault. Speaking about the qualities of a partner, this is a cunning manipulator, who can seem romantic at the beginning and reveal his dark side at the right time. On the other hand, he may be emotionally immature.
King of Cups in money readings
The King of Cups is a mature, experienced man who offers you career help. The card can also symbolize you and the wise decision of issues. You feel comfortable in a working environment and respected by colleagues. The main thing is to keep balance. Pay enough attention to the work but do not move away from home and personal life. If you are looking for directions, the King of Cups recommends considering the positions related to mental and physical care. Alternatively, check out the creative and artistic fields. For finance, the card means the need for balance and wise decisions.
The King of Cups reversed means an insidious, emotionally unstable man in a work environment. He is ready for everything for career growth and money. It also can represent you. Alternatively, the card means that the current job is chosen only for the sake of money and does not bring joy. If you are an artistic person, creative block and obsession with material success make it difficult to enjoy the work. Try to regain love or find a new job. The King of Cups warns of possible financial falls. Check people before trusting.
King of Cups advice
The card argues that the balance between logic and emotions is the ideal position to make good decisions. Learn self-control with the help of thematic books and self-knowledge. Dive deep into the matter and discover all the details.
Yes/No Tarot Reading
The King of Cups is a wise man with a gentle voice who always makes the right decisions. The card means a balance between mind and heart. There is no clear answer to the question.