The Hermit card meaning

The Hermit is on top of a mountain. The snow symbolizes spiritual growth and mysticism. He had chosen a solitary journey to open himself and he achieved it. His right-hand holds a lantern with a six-pointed star inside, the Seal of Solomon, a symbol of wisdom. However, the lamp covers only a few of the following steps of the Hermit. The man keeps going as he realizes that not everything can be revealed at once. A long stick, a sign of his authority, in his left hand, the side of the subconscious mind, helps to keep balance.

Reversed and upright meaning

Card keywords: isolation, inner guidance, solitude, loneliness, self-knowledge, soul-searching, reflection, withdrawal, anti-social.


This position of the Hermit speaks of detachment from everyday life for self-knowledge in private. The person has questions and understands that he can find answers only within and not in the outside world. Immersion in the subconscious is a great way to determine priorities and values for setting motivation. It is necessary to create an individual lantern that will point the way step by step. It will be a long journey with an answer at the end.

The Hermit often appears to those who don’t know where to go next. Leisure, meditation, and self-examination help to discover a new direction. Change and substitution of goals are inevitable. As an option, it could be the replacement of material values with spiritual. The person should think about charity in order to get positive energy which is more important than money. The card recommends moving away from the bustle of the city and trying to live in a natural environment.

Alternatively, the Hermit is a mentor who reveals the secrets of the subconscious. Such a person appears in life unexpectedly and is able to teach searching for answers in the depths of a soul.

Reversed Hermit

The reversed card often reveals a lack of connection between the person and his inner world. The day-to-day routine muffles our inner needs and alienates the call of the mind. The card recommends spending more time on meditation and reflecting. This is the moment to find answers to questions about the meaning of human existence. This is only possible by listening to the inner voice.

Alternatively, the Hermit reversed means that the person moves away from the world fully for the sake of self-knowledge and makes it the main purpose of life. There is no need to be completely isolated and reflect all the time. Human beings need communication and support. At the same time, he or she should help others and share warmth with loved ones.

The Hermit in a reversed position indicates a shy personality. The man or woman ignores social events and communication with people because of internal fears. The card appears as a signal of the need to open to the outside world.

Meaning for love

Upright hermit

The Hermit often appears to singles. The card means self-love and a solo journey through life. The person meditates a lot and does not pay attention to such details as finding a partner. He or she is more interested in discovering all the secrets of the inner world than learning new people. This is not bad, because the more we know about ourselves the more we fall in love with our being. The Hermit can mean chastity or celibacy.

For those who have experienced a hard parting, the Hermit is a sign of the need to devote a lot of time to oneself and keep away from others for a while. Loneliness is a way of recovery and reflection helps to gain self-confidence. It is worth remembering that these are only temporary measures that will help to create a happy relationship next time.

The Hermit upright means adult wise partner. This may concern the current relationship or his next love. Such a lover will open the secrets of the inner world of the person.

For couples, the Hermit is a sign of the need to strengthen the bond between partners. Lovers are focused on personal goals and have little in common. They should spend more time together or even create a project for two. Otherwise, the partners simply diverge in different directions. Conflicts also hinder the progress of the relationship. The Hermit recommends leaving all quarrels and offenses behind because they only weaken the bond.

Reversed card

The Hermit reversed is a bad sign for couples. The card means that one of the partners spends a lot of time alone, ignoring the need to develop the relationship. The person must understand that his loved one studies himself in this way. There is a need to accept this fact to save the relationship. When all the answers to the questions are found, the partner will definitely return.

If the person is the one who spends a lot of time thinking, he should not forget about the needs of others. A journey of soul-searching should not destroy love. If the individual really values his lover’s feelings, he should return to the couple at least sometimes. Alternatively, if a person is more interested in spiritual growth, he should explain this to his partner. The outcome depends on the choice of both.

Sometimes the reversed Hermit means unbalanced efforts. One partner invests in relationships more than another. Also, the card may indicate that both are not trying for the sake of a common future. They selfishly work on individual projects. This will lead to parting in the end.

For singles, the Hermit means a long period of loneliness. The person is tired of this and thinks that he missed the opportunity to meet a decent partner. Fortunately, this period will end soon. The card recommends being more open since love can be anywhere. Parties and new companies are not scary. If the person recently broke up with a partner, he probably misses him or her. However, this won’t return the relationship. However, analyzing past mistakes can improve the future.

Meaning for money and business

Upright card

The Hermit means career-related issues. Is this the right job? How to succeed? And which direction to choose? All this worries the person for a long time. Now is the time to find answers and work on personal growth. There is a need to think about whether the current position provides all the necessary. Problems in the workplace should be solved in a short possible time. Talking with experienced colleagues will also help find a solution. The Hermit recommends not making expensive purchases just to show wealth. Materiality is the bad side of humanity. Money is better spent on charity or to please yourself for merits.

Reversed hermit

The Hermit reversed means loneliness in the workplace and the need to share responsibilities. The person isolates himself from colleagues. He should turn to a trusted person for advice. The card also indicates teamwork. Alternatively, a reversed position means being fired. For finance, this is a sign of strong concentration on material things. The person thinks about how to make more money and forgets about family and friends. First, there is a need to know where this desire comes from. This will help to move away from obsessive thoughts for a while. Rest from society is also necessary.

Card advice

The Hermit is a lonely thinker. He sacrificed communicating with people for the sake of self-knowledge. This is a useful goal that opens up new opportunities and motivations. The card recommends withdrawing from society to communicate with the inner voice. This will open the secrets of the human subconscious and answer essential questions. The person must explain his choice to his loved ones in order not to offend anyone.

Hermit answer: Yes or No

The answer to your question is maybe.